What are the Kitchen Cabinet Colors for 2012?
Until the 18th century, food was cooked outdoors over an open fire. With advances in technology, kitchens were brought indoors and since then, color has been a meaningful constant.  Even though the average American family spends inordinate amounts of time in the kitchen, many of us don’t take time to think about the affect its colors might be having on us.

Camp NJy

 Helping children and the enviroment NJy Camps & Kitchen Intuitons rally !

NJy Camps is a getting a new look in some of the kitchens thanks to the combined efforts of Kitchen Intuitions, KraftMaster Renovations and two Homeowners donating their old cabinetry. NJy Development Director, Ellen Goldner contacted Bob Gockeler, Owner of Kitchen Intuitions and inquired if they ever had cabinetry that was taken out newly remodeled kitchen that could be repurposed and donated to the camp. 

granite polishingA stone's aesthetic perception can significantly be influenced by its surface treatment. In addition to altering its color and pattern, a finish also alters the physical properties and the performance of the stone.
It is always recommended that you see the actual stone before making the decision to use a special finish on your countertop.

Designing features into a kitchen that works for youThe kitchen is, by far, the most important room in your house. It is the “hub” of most family interaction and entertainment and the design of your kitchen should reflect your unique lifestyle. Whether you are planning for your new kitchen, or redesigning/remodeling an old one, the style is important not only to the immediate user (you) but also to possible future users, such as growing children, aging parents or the next homeowner.